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Eligibility & Selection Criteria

Applications are open to residents of all Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific according to the Australian Government's definition.

Applicants need to be actively involved in Internet technical operations in any of the following capacities:

  • Network engineering and network design
  • Network operations and Network Operation Centre
  • Internet systems engineering and systems operations

Applicants for the APRICOT Fellowship need to:

  • Demonstrate suitable technical expertise in the advanced training topics selected (if applicable)
  • Describe their local Internet community involvement in a technical or operational capacity
  • Demonstrate financial hardship that would make participation in APRICOT otherwise impossible

Applications are welcome from across the region, including from prior APRICOT fellows. APRICOT’s fellowship review process operates according to stringent criteria and is evaluated by esteemed individuals within our community who make their determinations solely on merit. Each application is diligently assessed without any bias or prejudice, reflecting our commitment to a fair and thorough evaluation process.